Description The AZ Slim™ is flexible, custom-made gauntlet-style AFO for support and stabilization of the talocalcaneal, midtarsal and subtalar joints. It also stabilizes the ankle area medially, laterally and reduces either forefoot abduction or adduction. Available in 5 inch and 9 inch height.
Heights: Standard
Closure: Lace
Clinical Indications
• Ankle instability
• All leather gauntlet
• No plastic inner shell
• Choice of closures: Lace, Lace/Velcro, Velcro, Lace/Speedy Hook Available ColorsSand, Black, White, Brown and PinkClosure OptionsLaces, Velcro, Speed Laces, Boot HookAdditions and Modifications for the Arizona Slim™ device
•5 inch or 9 inch Height
•Heel Cut Out or Other Anatomical Reliefs
•Lace, Velcro,Lace/Velcro or Lace/Speedyhook Closure
•Tan, Brown or Black Leather

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