What Is an Ingrown Toenail?
An Ingrown Toenail is a common form of nail affliction and disease. It is often a very painful condition in which your nail will grow and it cuts into one of the sides of the nail bed. Ingrown nails can occur in the nails of the hands and or the feet, but they mostly occur to the toenails, and for the most part, are only problematic and painful on the big toe.
Early in the course of an ingrown toenail, the end of the toe becomes reddish and painful with mild swelling. There is no pus or discharge. It may feel warm to the touch, but the patient may not have a fever. Later, extra skin and tissue will grow around the sharp point of the nail. A yellowish discharge may begin that indicates, the body's response to the trauma of the nail irritation. In severe conditions, the swelling becomes worse and there may be white or yellow colored discharge from the area.
Symptoms of an ingrown nail include; pain on the margins of the nail, unbearable pain while wearing tight footwear and sensitivity to slight pressure of any kind. Bumping of an affected toe can lead to very sharp and unendurable pain as the tissue gets punctured further by the nail. An ingrown toenail is a common disorder that usually, though not necessarily impacts the outer edge of the big toe.
Ingrown Toenail Treatment
We can perform a simple wedge resection to temporarily relieve pain but for a more permanent solution, a phenol matrixectomy is performed to relieve the condition.
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